Used to determine the fracture characteristics of pipelines and pressure vessels, drop weight tear testing (DWTT) is a critical part of material qualification programs for 石油和天然气 以及工业应用. Our experts help ensure that your materials are fit for purpose in high risk, 高压情况.

类似于 断裂韧性试验,  DWTT measures both the crack initiation and crack propagation characteristics of metallic materials at operating temperatures. By evaluating materials over a range of anticipated thermal conditions, we can help determine how working conditions will affect the 强度, longevity and durability 材料的.

Performing Drop Weight Tear 测试

Depending on the method used and the goal of testing, DWTT samples can be notched or unnotched samples. The specimen is dropped from a predetermined height, and the mode and extent of fracture is determined. Our experts can also use this data to make determinations about the transition temperature of materials, helping you understand how brittleness and ductility will affect your materials over time.

Our DWTT labs have the latest Data Acquisition 系统s (DAS), allowing us to more accurately report energy displacement and better understand how materials are affected by drop weight tear. 

Choosing a Fracture Toughness Program

Because of the similarity in procedure and results, DWTT is often performed in conjunction with 夏比冲击试验, fracture mechanics programs, or other 机械测试 方法. Our experts can help you determine which tests and 方法 are most appropriate for your samples, helping you get the most out of your products and materials.

Other drop weight testing 方法 that we offer include:

  • Nil延性
  • Drop tower testing (up to 6000 ft/lbs)
  • 动态撕裂试验

For more information about our DWTT capabilities, or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.

American Petroleum Institute

API 5 l3

American Society for 测试 and Materials

ASTM E208, ASTM E436, ASTM E604

失效分析 in the 石油 and Gas Industry

This on-demand webinar provides real-life case studies and gives answers to questions, including what causes a component to fail? How do I conduct a failure investigation, and how can I prevent failure from occurring?


夏比和. Izod: An Impact 测试 Comparison

Both Charpy and Izod impact testing are popular 方法 of determining impact 强度, 或韧性, 材料的. Learn more from expert Lee Mangham.


Performing the Charpy test to satisfy industry specifications

Charpy Impact 强度 tests are designed to determine the notch toughness 材料的 by measuring the amount of energy absorbed as it fractures. 下载

Choosing the Right Material for Your Application

材料测试 provides valuable insight into the material characteristics such as hardness, 灵活性, 强度, 化学成分, which provides a better understanding of the behavior 材料的 when subjected to operating conditions.  了解更多


Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. 今天就和专家交流.

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