As the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM), 也被称为3d打印, 跨im体育平台app下载发展, our 从事专家 are on the leading edge of the new process, providing the most comprehensive level of additive manufacturing testing services in the industry.

As a trusted testing partner, we are supporting our clients in 航空航天测试医疗器械测试运输测试, and energy by accelerating the creation of stringent international testing standards for additive manufacturing. 这样做的时候, we have been able to qualify early in these highly-regulated industries characterized by rigorous validation.

Our goal is to ensure that materials and products created with additive manufacturing methods are safe and fit for purpose in critical applications.


加法制造 & 3D Printing testing services 

Click on each service below for more information on our testing:

了解我们如何使用 Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to carry out the additive manufacturing of metals. 


Staying at the forefront of additive manufacturing technology

We are facing the new challenges presented by additive manufacturing head-on, including understanding the issues our clients face when identifying and defining test requirements, creating reliable programs for quality assurance, determining material properties that may be vulnerable in additive manufacturing applications, and detecting critical flaws with a higher level of accuracy and detail.

We are proud to be leading developments in additive manufacturing and testing methods, and collaborating with industry leaders, 高等教育, and public sector organizations to ensure the success of these new manufacturing resources.


The im体育APP advantage in 3D Printing testing

With experts actively involved in organizations ranging from the ASTM International Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing 测试 技术 and the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) to America Makes, our clients can be sure that we remain on the cutting edge of additive manufacturing testing.

You can be certain that your results from im体育APP are reliable, 准确的, 和可靠的, no matter what the application. Our experts help ensure that your products can go to market quickly and safely.


To learn more about our additive manufacturing testing services or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天. 

Integrity Assurance to Determine Additive Manufacturing Safety for Critical Components

Components manufactured via additive manufacturing processes are lighter and stronger than conventional parts, but because of the way they are made the standard methods for assuring their quality cannot be used. This is a particular problem for safety-critical components in industries like nuclear and aerospace. im体育官方app下载

Podcast: 测试 Additively Manufactured 医疗设备

im体育APP Medical Device 测试 Manager Maciej Jakucki visited Mike Vasquez, 3Degrees创始人兼首席执行官, on an episode of 3Degrees Discussions podcast. The podcast is devoted to topics relevant to the 3D printing industry and additive testing. 听现在

按需网络研讨会:测试 & Qualification of Additively Manufactured Orthopedic & 脊柱植入物

在这个点播网络研讨会上, Maciej Jakucki, im体育APP Medical Device 测试 Manager, 和迈克·瓦斯奎兹, Ph.D., founder and CEO at 3Degrees, present a discussion of the requirements and regulations around testing additively manufactured medical devices. 立即观看

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.