im体育APP blends regulatory acumen and an “always available” mindset to provide unmatched quality, compliance and customer service to support the expedient release of small and large molecule finished products in addition to the qualification of raw materials, api, 赋形剂, 中间体, 起始原料, 手机银行, 向量, bulk harvest materials and control cells.

测试 and compliance to the standardized methods and specifications detailed within pharmacopeial compendia is a basic requirement for manufacturing release and distribution of biopharmaceutical ingredients and drug products around the world. Compendial methods may be implemented as part of routine quality control strategies, in addition to addressing anticipated regulatory concerns, and/or establishing general drug compatibility.

im体育APP offers comprehensive compendial testing programs that meet specifications in the US Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary (USP/NF), 欧洲药典(EP), 英国药典(BP), 日本药典(JP), and those that are set by the International Council on Harmonisation (ICH). Our compendia release testing solutions support a variety of drug products, including over the counter and 仿制药, 药品, 生物制剂和生物仿制药, 组合产品, innovative and novel products and animal drug products. All compendial testing is performed per cGMP standards of 21 CFR 210 and CFR 211.


im体育APP offers a seamless partnership, providing full access to our consultative, technical team of CMC experts with extensive knowledge of regulatory requirements and years of experience testing a wide range of materials and drug products to USP compendial methods and FDA monographs. Bring safe and efficacious products to market expeditiously with a robust and effective quality control strategy that incorporates our comprehensive compendial and monograph testing services.

To learn about our compendial testing services for OTC drugs, 仿制药, 药品, 生物制剂, 和生物仿制药, or to speak with one of our experts, im体育APP 今天.

  • Full monograph testing (USP/NF, EP, JP, BP)
  • Compendial method validation (USP <1255>)
  • 药典方法验证
  • Raw material testing (USP/NF, EP, JP, BP)
  • ICH stability studies (API and finished products)
  • Stability indicating assay and related substances methods
  • 理化测试
  • Specific gravity (USP <841>)
  • Injectables (USP <1>)
  • Loss on Drying (USP <731>)
  • 稳定性研究(ICH Q1A-E)
  • Dissolution studies (USP <711>)
  • Particle size distribution determination
  • Methods verification (USP <1226>)
  • General identification tests (USP <191>)
  • Identification and quantitation (USP <621>)
  • Spectrophotometric analyses (USP <197>)
  • Metals and elemental impurities (USP <232, 233>, ICH Q3D)
  • Impurities and residual solvents (USP <467>)
  • 熔化范围或温度
  • Uniformity of dosage (USP <791>)
  • Container-closure资格
  • 微生物测试
  • Bioanalytical guidance ICH M10 (Draft) and FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance for Industry
  • FDA Guidance for Industry Potency Tests for Cellular and Gene Therapy 产品s
  • Adventitious agent viral QPCR (USP <1126, 1127>, EP 2.6.7)
  • QPCR assays (USP <12269, 1227>, EP 2.6.21)
  • 渗透压、pH、DLS (USP、EP)
  • Impurities in Drug Substances and Drug 产品 (USP <1086>)
  • In vitro bioassay determination of biopotency
  • In vitro biological reactivity tests
  • 热原质试验
  • 急性毒性
  • Cytotoxicity (USP <87>)
  • Ancillary (USP <1043>)
  • Mycoplasma detection assays (USP <63>, EP 2.6.7, JP)
  • 支原体清除研究
  • Physical compendial testing (USP, EP)
  • Quantitative purity and impurity analyses
  • Process impurities (USP <467>, USP <232, 233>, ICH Q3D)
  • Bacterial endotoxins (LAL) tests
  • LAL validation (inhibition and enhancement test)
  • 微生物限度试验(MLT)
  • Microbial enumeration test (MET)
  • Total aerobic microbial count (TAMC)
  • Total combined yeasts and molds count (TYMC)
  • 指定微生物试验
  • 抗菌 effectiveness test (AET)
  • Monocyte-activation测试
  • Bioburden (USP <61>)
  • Sterility (USP <71>, EP 2.6.1, EP 2.6.12)
  • Endotoxin (USP <85>, EP 2.6.12)
Nearly 200 Years of Making Certain


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.